The K.G.B.

I gave some questions to the band members to answer, but so far only Toby and Moses have responded.
Anyways, here are their answers...enjoy!


1. Pet that you've always wanted but could never have: Ben

2. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? heck no

3. Favorite flavor ice-cream: coffeee

4. Do you believe in evolution? I believe in Revolution!

5. Favorite holiday: July 4th

6. Do you have any siblings? I have an evil-twin brother who's name starts with Y , but we were separated at birth and I was raised to be good and he was raised to be pure evil!

 7. Can you remember what you had for dinner two nights ago? shit, I cant remember what I had for lunch TODAY!

8. Biggest pet peeve: weak ass bands that think they're tight

9. Boxers or briefs? the Briefs are the greatest punk band to walk the earth, EVER!!!

10. How many times did you fail your driving test? never

11. Favorite candy: yo mama

12. Do you sometimes add 'zz' to the middle of words? For instance, you'll say 'shizzit' instead of 'shit' or 'ozzoatmeal' instead of 'oatmeal'. fo shizzle, my nizzle!  



1. Pet that you always wanted but could never have: Monkey!

2. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? I'm a millimeter off.

3. Favorite flavor ice-cream: coffee heath bar crunch, chocolate fudge brownie

4. Do you believe in evolution? hell yes

5. Favorite holiday: thanksgiving

6. Do you have any siblings? 1 younger brother who is 15

7. Can you remember what you had for dinner two nights ago? Probably a burrito 
at Gordo's, I eat there sooo often :)

8. Biggest pet peeve: people with no sense of humor

9. Boxers or briefs? Mostly boxers but sometimes boxer-briefs

10. How many times did you fail your driving test? once, on a frigging blind intersection!

11. Favorite candy: Abba Zabba, and Crunchie's (from england)

12. Do you sometimes add 'zz' to the middle of words? For instance, you'll say 'shizzit' 
instead of 'shit' or 'ozzoatmeal' instead of 'oatmeal'. For shizzle my nizzle

13. What time is it? time to get ill